Best Chiropractors In Hong Kong

Discover the top **chiropractors in Hong Kong**! From costs to FAQs, explore our guide for quality care. Make an informed choice for your well-being.

best chiropractors in hong kong

Are you in search of the best chiropractors in Hong Kong to address your health concerns? Look no further as we unveil a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the bustling city and find the perfect chiropractic care tailored to your needs. In a city where every corner offers a new experience, finding the right chiropractor can be overwhelming. But fear not, as we have curated a list of the top chiropractors in Hong Kong, ensuring you receive the quality care you deserve. Let us take you on a journey to discover the best chiropractic services available, where your well-being is the top priority.

Top 4 Best Chiropractors in Hong Kong

When it comes to your health, only the best will suffice. In a city as vibrant and fast-paced as Hong Kong, finding the right chiropractor can make all the difference in your wellness journey. We have scoured the city to bring you a curated list of the top four chiropractors who have garnered praise for their expertise, professionalism, and commitment to patient care. Let’s delve into what sets these chiropractors apart and why they stand out among the rest.

ATLAS Chiropractic Hong Kong
8/F, 10 Pottinger St, Central, Hong Kong
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5
Rin Spine Clinic
1703, 17/F, Century Square, 1 D’Aguilar St, Central, Hong Kong
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5
The Chiropractic Centre – Hong Kong Chiropractor
9/F, E168, Building, 166-168 Des Voeux Rd Central, Central, Hong Kong
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9
Hong Kong Sports Chiropractic
6/F, Winsome House, 73 Wyndham St, Central, Hong Kong
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5

ATLAS Chiropractic Hong Kong

ATLAS Chiropractic Hong Kong is a renowned chiropractic center known for its dedicated professionals and holistic approach to wellness. Clients suffering from chronic pain and seeking long-term solutions have found relief and support at ATLAS. The team at ATLAS prioritizes individualized care, providing not only physical adjustments but also guidance on self-care and overall well-being.

What We Liked:

  • Comprehensive Approach: ATLAS focuses on holistic wellness, addressing not just physical symptoms but also mental and emotional well-being.
  • Evidence-Based Care: Clients appreciate the detailed examinations and quantitative results provided, emphasizing the evidence-based approach to chiropractic care.
  • Supportive Team: The team at ATLAS is understanding and accommodating, making it easier for clients to commit to their treatment plans.
  • Positive Lifestyle Changes: Clients have reported positive changes in their overall lifestyle, including better posture awareness and improved sleep quality.
  • Effective Pain Relief: Many clients have experienced significant improvements in their chronic pain conditions, leading to a better quality of life.

What We Didn’t Like:

  • Insurance Coverage Limitations: Some clients mentioned concerns about insurance coverage limitations, indicating a potential financial burden for long-term care.
  • Initial Skepticism: A few clients expressed initial skepticism about the efficacy of chiropractic care, but were pleasantly surprised by the results.
  • Time Commitment: Regular chiropractic sessions require a time commitment, which may be challenging for individuals with busy schedules.
  • Limited Service Offerings: While the chiropractic care is highly praised, some clients expressed interest in additional services such as the ice bath mentioned by one reviewer.
  • Potential Cost: The investment in long-term chiropractic care may be a consideration for some clients, especially if insurance coverage is limited.


  • Quality of Care: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Customer Service: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Effectiveness of Treatment: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Overall Experience: 5/5 ★★★★★

ATLAS Chiropractic Hong Kong stands out for its exceptional care, evidence-based approach, and commitment to holistic wellness. Clients dealing with chronic pain have found relief and support at ATLAS, experiencing positive lifestyle changes and effective pain management. While there may be considerations regarding insurance coverage and cost, the overall consensus is overwhelmingly positive, with clients praising the transformative impact of chiropractic care at ATLAS.

Contact Details

Google Map URL
ATLAS Chiropractic Hong Kong
8/F, 10 Pottinger St, Central, Hong Kong
2110 3901

Rin Spine Clinic

Rin Spine Clinic is a chiropractic center known for its dedicated professionals and effective treatments for various spinal issues. Clients seeking relief from chronic pain and improved well-being have found solace at Rin Spine Clinic. The team at Rin Spine Clinic, led by Dr. Park and Dr. Tee, provides personalized care focusing on chiropractic adjustments and additional treatments to address pain and promote better circulation.

What We Liked:

  • English-Speaking Practitioners: Clients appreciate the ability to communicate effectively with Dr. Park, who speaks perfect English, ensuring clear understanding of symptoms and treatment recommendations.
  • Comprehensive Treatments: Rin Spine Clinic offers not only chiropractic adjustments but also additional therapies to alleviate pain and improve blood circulation, providing a holistic approach to wellness.
  • Professional and Knowledgeable Team: Clients praise the expertise and gentle approach of the practitioners, particularly highlighting Dr. Park’s magic hands and Dr. Tee’s professionalism and talent in chiropractic therapy.
  • Effective Pain Management: Many clients have experienced significant relief from chronic pain issues, such as lower back injuries and degeneration problems, after undergoing chiropractic sessions at Rin Spine Clinic.
  • Welcoming Atmosphere: Clients feel at home and comfortable during their visits, appreciating the caring and supportive environment created by the team at Rin Spine Clinic.

What We Didn’t Like:

  • Limited Mention of Specific Therapies: While clients express satisfaction with the treatments received, there is limited detail on the specific additional therapies offered at Rin Spine Clinic.
  • Potential Language Barrier: For clients who may not be fluent in English, communication with the practitioners who primarily speak English could pose a challenge.
  • Lack of Diversity in Services: Some clients may seek a wider range of services beyond chiropractic care, which may not be fully addressed by Rin Spine Clinic.
  • Availability of Practitioners: Depending on the demand and scheduling, availability for appointments with preferred practitioners like Dr. Park or Dr. Tee may vary.
  • Cost Considerations: The cost of ongoing chiropractic care and additional treatments may be a factor for some clients, especially if not covered by insurance.


  • Quality of Care: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Customer Service: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Effectiveness of Treatment: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Overall Experience: 5/5 ★★★★★

Rin Spine Clinic stands out for its effective chiropractic treatments, dedicated team of professionals, and welcoming atmosphere. Clients experiencing chronic pain and spinal issues have found relief and improved well-being through the care provided by Dr. Park and Dr. Tee. While there may be considerations regarding specific therapies offered, language preferences, and cost of treatment, the overall consensus is overwhelmingly positive, with clients praising the transformative impact of chiropractic care at Rin Spine Clinic.

Contact Details

Google Map URL
rin spine clinic
Rin Spine Clinic
1703, 17/F, Century Square, 1 D’Aguilar St, Central, Hong Kong
2886 8482

The Chiropractic Centre – Hong Kong Chiropractor

The Chiropractic Centre in Hong Kong is a renowned chiropractic facility known for its holistic approach to health and wellness. Led by Dr. Barry and his team, the center offers personalized care focusing on not only physical adjustments but also mental and emotional well-being. Clients seeking relief from various health issues, including anxiety, posture problems, and recovery from operations, have found solace and improvement at The Chiropractic Centre.

What We Liked:

  • Holistic Approach to Health: Clients appreciate the center’s focus on overall well-being, addressing not just physical symptoms but also mental and emotional health.
  • Clear Communication: Dr. Barry and his team excel in explaining each step of the healing process clearly, empowering clients to make improvements beyond their clinic visits.
  • Personalized Care: Clients feel the individualized attention and care provided by Dr. Barry and his team, leading to significant improvements in their health conditions.
  • Educational Workshops and Resources: The center offers health workshops and encourages clients to explore natural healing methods, promoting a proactive approach to health.
  • Warm and Welcoming Environment: Clients mention feeling a sense of warmth, peace, and kindness at the center, fostering a supportive atmosphere for healing and recovery.

What We Didn’t Like:

  • Limited Mention of Treatment Techniques: While clients express satisfaction with the care received, there is limited detail on the specific chiropractic techniques or additional therapies offered at The Chiropractic Centre.
  • Potential Availability Issues: Depending on demand and scheduling, availability for appointments with preferred practitioners like Dr. Barry may vary, potentially affecting continuity of care.
  • Cost Considerations: The investment in long-term chiropractic care and additional treatments may be a consideration for some clients, especially if not covered by insurance.
  • Language Barriers: For clients who may not be fluent in English, communication with practitioners primarily speaking English could pose challenges in fully understanding the treatment process.
  • Desire for More Diverse Services: Some clients may seek a wider range of services beyond chiropractic care, which may not be fully addressed by The Chiropractic Centre.


  • Quality of Care: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Customer Service: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Effectiveness of Treatment: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Overall Experience: 5/5 ★★★★★

The Chiropractic Centre in Hong Kong stands out for its holistic approach to health, personalized care, and commitment to client well-being. Clients dealing with various health challenges have experienced significant improvements in their conditions under the care of Dr. Barry and his team. While there may be considerations regarding treatment techniques, availability, cost, and service diversity, the overall consensus is overwhelmingly positive, with clients praising the transformative impact of chiropractic care at The Chiropractic Centre.

Contact Details

Google Map URL
the chiropractic centre hong kong chiropractor
The Chiropractic Centre – Hong Kong Chiropractor
9/F, E168, Building, 166-168 Des Voeux Rd Central, Central, Hong Kong
2973 0353

Hong Kong Sports Chiropractic

Hong Kong Sports Chiropractic is a leading chiropractic clinic known for its specialized care for athletes and individuals with sports-related injuries. Dr. Ian Shaw and his team provide expert chiropractic services tailored to each client’s specific needs, focusing on active rehabilitation and personalized treatment plans. Clients seeking recovery from sports injuries and looking to enhance their performance have found exceptional care and results at Hong Kong Sports Chiropractic.

What We Liked:

  • Specialized Sports Injury Care: Clients appreciate the clinic’s focus on sports-related injuries, with Dr. Ian Shaw’s expertise in addressing issues common among athletes.
  • Tailored Treatment Plans: Dr. Shaw’s personalized approach to treatment, understanding each client’s lifestyle and fitness goals, has led to effective and tailored rehabilitation plans.
  • Technical Diagnosis and Follow-Up: Clients praise the clinic for providing thorough and thoughtful diagnoses, along with engaging exercises and attentive follow-up sessions.
  • Knowledgeable and Honest Practitioners: Dr. Shaw’s in-depth knowledge, honesty in treatment recommendations, and experience in sports like rock climbing resonate well with clients seeking quality care.
  • Effective Recovery: Many clients have experienced quick and successful recovery from various injuries under Dr. Shaw’s care, allowing them to return to their regular activities with confidence.

What We Didn’t Like:

  • Limited Service Offerings: While clients are highly satisfied with the chiropractic care received, some may desire a broader range of services beyond sports injury rehabilitation.
  • Scheduling Availability: Depending on demand, securing appointments with Dr. Shaw may be challenging, potentially affecting timely access to care.
  • Cost Considerations: The investment in specialized sports chiropractic care may be a consideration for some clients, particularly if not covered by insurance.
  • Potential Language Barrier: For clients who may not be fluent in English, communication with practitioners primarily speaking English could pose challenges in fully understanding treatment plans.
  • Desire for More Diverse Expertise: While clients appreciate Dr. Shaw’s expertise in sports-related injuries, some may seek additional practitioners with expertise in different areas of chiropractic care.


  • Quality of Care: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Customer Service: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Effectiveness of Treatment: 5/5 ★★★★★
  • Overall Experience: 5/5 ★★★★★

Hong Kong Sports Chiropractic excels in providing specialized care for sports-related injuries, with Dr. Ian Shaw leading a dedicated team focused on effective rehabilitation and performance enhancement. Clients, including athletes and individuals recovering from sports injuries, have lauded the clinic for its personalized treatment plans, technical expertise, and commitment to client well-being. While considerations such as service offerings, scheduling availability, and cost may arise, the overwhelming consensus remains positive, with clients endorsing the transformative impact of chiropractic care at Hong Kong Sports Chiropractic.

Contact Details

Google Map URL
hong kong sports chiropractic
Hong Kong Sports Chiropractic
6/F, Winsome House, 73 Wyndham St, Central, Hong Kong
9339 3202

What is The Cost of Best Chiropractors in Hong Kong

When considering chiropractic care in Hong Kong, it’s essential to understand the cost implications to make an informed decision. The fees charged by chiropractors can vary based on several factors, including the practitioner’s experience, the complexity of the treatment, and the location of the clinic. On average, a single chiropractic session in Hong Kong can range from $600 to $1200. However, for more specialized treatments or longer sessions, the cost can escalate to $1500 or more per session.

To provide a clearer picture of the cost breakdown, here is a table showcasing the average prices for chiropractic services in Hong Kong:

Service Type
Average Cost (HKD)
Initial Consultation
Follow-up Sessions
$700 – $1000
Specialized Treatments

Factors such as the duration of the session, the need for additional therapies, and any required diagnostic tests can also influence the overall cost. Some chiropractors may offer package deals or discounted rates for multiple sessions, which can help reduce the financial burden for patients seeking ongoing care.

When choosing the best chiropractor in Hong Kong, it’s crucial to not only consider the cost but also weigh it against the quality of care and the effectiveness of the treatment provided. Investing in your health and well-being through chiropractic care can lead to long-term benefits and improved quality of life.


1. What conditions can chiropractors treat?

Chiropractors can effectively treat a range of musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and joint issues through spinal adjustments and manipulations.

2. How many sessions are typically needed for chiropractic treatment?

The number of sessions required varies depending on the individual’s condition and response to treatment. While some patients may experience relief after a few sessions, others may need ongoing care for chronic issues.

3. Is chiropractic treatment safe?

When performed by a qualified and experienced chiropractor, chiropractic treatment is generally safe and non-invasive. It is essential to communicate any concerns or medical history with your chiropractor before treatment.

4. How do I choose the right chiropractor for me?

Consider factors such as the chiropractor’s qualifications, experience, patient reviews, treatment approach, and compatibility with your needs and preferences when selecting the right chiropractor for your care.

5. Will insurance cover chiropractic treatment costs?

Many insurance plans in Hong Kong offer coverage for chiropractic services. It is advisable to check with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage available for chiropractic treatments.


In the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong, prioritizing your health and well-being is paramount, and finding the best chiropractor can make a world of difference in your quality of life. Through our meticulous selection process, we have highlighted the top chiropractors in the city who excel in expertise, patient care, and innovation.

Understanding the cost of chiropractic care, the conditions treated, and the importance of choosing the right practitioner are crucial steps in embarking on your wellness journey. Whether you seek relief from back pain, headaches, or joint issues, chiropractic care offers a holistic and non-invasive approach to improving your overall health.

Remember, your health is an investment, and choosing the right chiropractor is an investment in yourself. We hope this guide has equipped you with the knowledge and confidence to make an informed decision when seeking chiropractic care in Hong Kong. Prioritize your well-being, and let the best chiropractors guide you towards a healthier and happier life.

How We Picked Best Chiropractors in Hong Kong

In our quest to identify the best chiropractors in Hong Kong, we employed a rigorous selection process to ensure that only the most reputable and skilled professionals made it to our list. Here’s how we narrowed down our choices:

  1. Credentials and Expertise: We scrutinized the qualifications, certifications, and years of experience of each chiropractor to ensure they possessed the necessary expertise to provide top-notch care.

  2. Patient Reviews and Testimonials: We delved into patient feedback and testimonials to gauge the satisfaction levels of those who had received treatment from the chiropractors. Positive reviews and success stories were key factors in our selection.

  3. Range of Services Offered: We looked for chiropractors who offered a comprehensive range of services to address various musculoskeletal issues, ensuring that they could cater to diverse patient needs.

  4. Commitment to Patient Care: The dedication and commitment of the chiropractors to prioritize patient well-being and provide personalized care were paramount in our decision-making process.

  5. Innovative Techniques and Technology: We considered chiropractors who incorporated innovative techniques and state-of-the-art technology in their practice, demonstrating a commitment to staying at the forefront of their field.

By meticulously evaluating these criteria, we handpicked the top four chiropractors in Hong Kong who excel in all aspects of chiropractic care, setting them apart as the best in the city.