Best Hiking Trails In Singapore

Embark on an unforgettable adventure amidst urban oases. Explore the 5 best hiking trails in Singapore. Uncover natural wonders today!

best hiking trails in singapore

Are you ready to explore the best hiking trails in Singapore? As avid hikers, we understand the thrill of discovering new paths and immersing ourselves in the beauty of nature. In this guide, we’ll take you on a journey through some of the most breathtaking hiking trails that Singapore has to offer. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner looking for an adventure, these trails are sure to ignite your sense of wanderlust and leave you with unforgettable memories. Join us as we uncover the hidden gems of Singapore’s hiking paradise.

Key Takeaways

  • Singapore offers a diverse range of hiking trails, catering to hikers of all levels and preferences.
  • When choosing a hiking trail, consider factors such as fitness level, trail difficulty, scenic preferences, accessibility, and safety measures.
  • The costs associated with hiking trails in Singapore may include admission fees, transportation, hiking gear, guided tours, and food expenses.
  • The best times for hiking in Singapore are during the cooler and drier months, typically between February and April and between July and September.
  • Most hiking trails in Singapore are suitable for hikers of all ages, but it’s essential to review trail difficulty levels and regulations before planning your hike.

Top 5 Best Hiking Trails in Singapore

Singapore is renowned for its stunning urban landscape, but hidden within this bustling city are some remarkable hiking trails that offer a refreshing escape into nature. Our team has meticulously explored numerous trails to bring you the top 5 best hiking trails in Singapore. From lush rainforests to captivating coastal routes, these trails offer something for every type of hiker. So, lace up your boots and get ready to discover the natural wonders of Singapore.

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
Hindhede Dr, Singapore 589318
4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Bukit Batok Nature Park
Cnr Bukit Batok East Avenue 2, Bukit Batok East Ave 6, and, Singapore 659761
4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Chestnut Nature Park
Chestnut Ave, Singapore 679514
4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Macritchie Treetop Walk Trailhead
4.6 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Thomson Nature Park
Upper Thomson Rd, Singapore
4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is a popular destination for nature enthusiasts and hikers in Singapore. The reserve is known for its challenging trails, diverse wildlife, and lush rainforest environment.

What We Liked

  • Challenging trails that offer a rewarding hiking experience
  • Opportunities to encounter diverse wildlife, including monkeys, spiders, turtles, and squirrels
  • Scenic views and lush rainforest environment
  • Accessibility and parking options for visitors
  • Suitable for both nature lovers and adventure seekers

What We Didn’t Like

  • Crowded trails, especially on weekends
  • Steep inclines and challenging terrain may not be suitable for everyone

Rating: 4.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Challenging and rewarding hiking experience
  • Diverse wildlife sightings
  • Scenic views and lush environment
  • Accessibility and parking options
  • Suitable for nature and adventure enthusiasts


  • Crowded trails on weekends
  • Challenging terrain may not be suitable for everyone

In conclusion, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve offers an exhilarating and challenging hiking experience amidst a stunning rainforest environment. While the trails can be crowded and demanding, the opportunity to encounter diverse wildlife and immerse oneself in nature makes it a must-visit destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Contact Details

Google Map URL
bukit timah nature reserve
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
Hindhede Dr, Singapore 589318
1800 471 7300

Bukit Batok Nature Park

Bukit Batok Nature Park is a tranquil and scenic park located in the heart of Singapore. It offers visitors a peaceful retreat into nature, with opportunities for leisurely walks and light treks amidst lush greenery and wildlife.

What We Liked

  • Serene and peaceful environment, perfect for unwinding and connecting with nature
  • Wildlife sightings, including birds and other cute animals
  • Accessibility and spacious carpark for visitors
  • Varied paths suitable for both beginners and seasoned trekkers
  • Proximity to public transportation for convenient access

What We Didn’t Like

  • Limited amenities and facilities within the park
  • Renovation work may impact the experience for some visitors

Rating: 4.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Serene and peaceful environment
  • Wildlife sightings
  • Accessibility and spacious carpark
  • Varied paths for different trekking levels
  • Convenient access via public transportation


  • Limited amenities and facilities
  • Ongoing renovation work may impact the experience

In conclusion, Bukit Batok Nature Park offers a serene and picturesque setting for nature lovers and casual hikers. While the park may have limited amenities and ongoing renovation work, its tranquil atmosphere and wildlife sightings make it a delightful destination for those seeking a peaceful nature retreat.

Contact Details

Google Map URL
sengkang riverside park
Bukit Batok Nature Park
Cnr Bukit Batok East Avenue 2, Bukit Batok East Ave 6, and, Singapore 659761
1800 471 7300

Chestnut Nature Park

Chestnut Nature Park offers a tranquil and less crowded alternative for nature enthusiasts and hikers in Singapore. The park provides a serene environment for those seeking peaceful walks and intermediate-level treks amidst lush greenery and scenic views.

What We Liked

  • Tranquil and peaceful atmosphere, away from the bustling crowds
  • Varied trails suitable for both hiking and cycling
  • Accessible amenities, including parking, toilets, and shelters
  • Scenic views from the observatory and opportunities for wildlife sightings
  • Suitable for both beginner and intermediate-level trekkers

What We Didn’t Like

  • Noise from the nearby expressway may impact the overall experience
  • Limited accessibility via public transportation

Rating: 4.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Tranquil and peaceful environment
  • Varied trails for hiking and cycling
  • Accessible amenities including parking, toilets, and shelters
  • Scenic views and wildlife sightings
  • Suitable for trekkers of different levels


  • Noise from nearby expressway
  • Limited accessibility via public transportation

In conclusion, Chestnut Nature Park provides a serene and scenic retreat for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. While the park may have some limitations in terms of noise and accessibility, its tranquil atmosphere, varied trails, and accessible amenities make it a worthwhile destination for those seeking a peaceful nature escape.

Contact Details

Google Map URL
bukit timah nature reserve
Chestnut Nature Park
Chestnut Ave, Singapore 679514
1800 471 7300

Macritchie Treetop Walk Trailhead

Macritchie Treetop Walk Trailhead offers visitors a chance to escape the city and immerse themselves in the natural beauty of Singapore. The trail provides a mix of well-maintained paths and challenging terrains, leading to captivating treetop views and encounters with local wildlife.

What We Liked

  • Captivating treetop views and well-maintained paths
  • Abundant wildlife sightings, including monkeys and birds
  • Serene and natural environment, perfect for nature enthusiasts
  • Varied terrains suitable for moderate-level hikers
  • Accessibility and amenities for visitors

What We Didn’t Like

  • Potential encounters with assertive monkeys, requiring caution and distance
  • Limited lighting in the “forest” side, requiring early completion of trekking

Rating: 4.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Captivating treetop views and well-maintained paths
  • Abundant wildlife sightings
  • Serene natural environment
  • Varied terrains suitable for moderate-level hikers
  • Accessibility and amenities for visitors


  • Potential encounters with assertive monkeys
  • Limited lighting in the “forest” side

In conclusion, Macritchie Treetop Walk Trailhead offers a captivating and immersive nature experience for hikers and nature enthusiasts. While encounters with assertive monkeys and limited lighting may pose challenges, the trail’s natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and well-maintained paths make it a worthwhile destination for those seeking a nature escape in Singapore.

Contact Details

Google Map URL
fort gate
Macritchie Treetop Walk Trailhead
1800 471 7300

Thomson Nature Park

Thomson Nature Park provides a serene and historical retreat for visitors seeking a nature escape in the bustling city of Singapore. The park offers a mix of historical ruins, diverse wildlife, and scenic trails, making it an intriguing destination for nature enthusiasts and families.

What We Liked

  • Historical ruins and rich cultural significance
  • Abundant wildlife sightings, including monkeys, squirrels, and monitor lizards
  • Varied trails with meandering paths and shady vegetation
  • Tranquil and peaceful atmosphere, perfect for family walks
  • Accessibility and amenities for visitors

What We Didn’t Like

  • Faded information boards may impact the overall educational experience
  • Uneven paths with tree roots breaking through in some areas

Rating: 4.5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐


  • Historical ruins and rich cultural significance
  • Abundant wildlife sightings
  • Varied trails with meandering paths
  • Tranquil and peaceful atmosphere
  • Accessibility and amenities for visitors


  • Faded information boards
  • Uneven paths with tree roots breaking through

In conclusion, Thomson Nature Park offers a unique blend of history, wildlife, and serene natural beauty, making it a compelling destination for nature enthusiasts and families. While there may be some challenges with faded information boards and uneven paths, the park’s tranquil atmosphere and diverse offerings make it a delightful nature escape in the heart of Singapore.

Contact Details

Google Map URL
bukit timah nature reserve
Thomson Nature Park
Upper Thomson Rd, Singapore
1800 471 7300

Navigating Your Path: Choosing the Perfect Hiking Trail in Singapore

When it comes to selecting the ideal hiking trail in Singapore, there are several factors to consider to ensure a fulfilling and safe adventure. Here’s our expert advice on how to choose the best hiking trail for your next outdoor escapade:

1. Know Your Fitness Level

Before embarking on a hiking journey, it’s crucial to assess your fitness level. Singapore’s trails cater to a wide range of hikers, from beginners to seasoned trekkers. Be honest with yourself about your endurance and choose a trail that aligns with your fitness capabilities.

2. Research Trail Difficulty

Each hiking trail in Singapore presents its own set of challenges, from gentle slopes to steep inclines. Research the difficulty level of the trails and opt for one that matches your comfort and experience. Look for trail ratings or reviews that mention the terrain’s ruggedness and elevation changes.

3. Consider Trail Length and Duration

Take into account the length of the trail and the time it typically takes to complete. Some trails are shorter and can be covered in a few hours, while others may require a full day of hiking. Plan according to your schedule and the amount of time you’re willing to dedicate to the hike.

4. Scenic Preferences

Do you prefer lush greenery, coastal views, or panoramic cityscapes? Singapore’s hiking trails offer diverse landscapes, so consider the scenic beauty you’re most drawn to. Whether it’s the tranquility of a rainforest or the allure of a coastal walk, choose a trail that resonates with your scenic preferences.

5. Accessibility and Safety Measures

Prioritize trails with adequate safety measures and clear signages. Check for facilities such as rest areas, water points, and emergency contact information. Additionally, consider the trail’s accessibility in terms of transportation and parking availability.

6. Weather Conditions

Stay informed about the weather forecast before setting out on your hike. Certain trails may be more enjoyable during specific seasons, while others may pose risks during inclement weather. Be mindful of the weather conditions and plan your hiking adventure accordingly.

By carefully considering these factors, you can confidently select a hiking trail in Singapore that aligns with your preferences, abilities, and safety requirements, ensuring a rewarding and memorable outdoor experience.

Unveiling the Investment: Exploring the Costs of Hiking Trails in Singapore

Embarking on a hiking adventure in Singapore offers an opportunity to immerse oneself in nature’s splendor, and the costs associated with these trails can vary based on several factors. Let’s delve into the breakdown of the expenses you might encounter when exploring the best hiking trails in Singapore.

Trail Admission and Permit Fees

Trail Name
Admission Fee (SGD)
Permit Requirement
MacRitchie Reservoir
Not Required
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
$5 per person
Required for organized groups
Southern Ridges
Not Required
Pulau Ubin
Not Required
Mount Faber Park
Not Required

Additional Costs to Consider

  1. Transportation: Factor in the cost of transportation to and from the trailheads. Whether it’s public transport fares or parking fees, ensure that you include these expenses in your budget.

  2. Hiking Gear: Investing in quality hiking gear such as sturdy footwear, moisture-wicking clothing, and a reliable backpack is essential for a comfortable and safe hiking experience. The average cost of essential hiking gear can range from $150 to $300, depending on the brand and quality.

  3. Guided Tours: For those seeking guided experiences or specialized tours, the cost may vary based on the duration and inclusions. Guided tours can range from $50 to $150 per person, offering insightful narratives and a structured hiking experience.

  4. Food and Refreshments: If the trail doesn’t have dining facilities, consider packing your own snacks and water. Allocate an average of $10 to $20 for food and refreshments, depending on the duration of your hike.

It’s important to note that while some trails are free to access, others may require nominal fees or permits, especially for organized groups. By factoring in these costs and planning accordingly, you can ensure a seamless and budget-friendly hiking experience amidst Singapore’s natural wonders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What are the best times of the year to hike in Singapore?

The best times for hiking in Singapore are during the cooler and drier months, which typically occur between February and April and between July and September.

2. Are there any age restrictions for hiking on these trails?

Most trails in Singapore are suitable for hikers of all ages. However, some trails with challenging terrains may not be suitable for young children or elderly individuals. It’s advisable to check the trail’s difficulty level before planning your hike.

3. Do I need to be an experienced hiker to explore these trails?

Singapore offers a diverse range of trails suitable for both beginners and experienced hikers. It’s essential to choose a trail that aligns with your fitness level and experience. Many trails are well-marked and cater to various levels of expertise.

4. Are pets allowed on the hiking trails in Singapore?

While pets are generally not allowed on most hiking trails in Singapore, there are a few pet-friendly trails, such as the ones in Pulau Ubin. It’s advisable to check the trail regulations regarding pets before planning your hike.

5. Are there restroom facilities available along the hiking trails?

Most popular hiking trails in Singapore are equipped with restroom facilities at the trailheads and certain intervals along the trails. It’s advisable to use these facilities before embarking on your hike and plan your restroom breaks accordingly.

In Conclusion

As we conclude our exploration of the best hiking trails in Singapore, it’s evident that the city-state offers a remarkable blend of natural beauty and diverse landscapes, providing an enriching experience for hikers of all levels. From the tranquility of MacRitchie Reservoir to the captivating vistas of Southern Ridges, each trail presents an opportunity to connect with nature amidst the urban allure of Singapore.

By meticulously selecting and evaluating these trails, we aimed to provide an insightful guide for hikers seeking to embark on memorable outdoor adventures. It’s our fervent hope that this guide equips you with the knowledge and inspiration to traverse these trails, fostering a deeper appreciation for Singapore’s natural splendor.

We encourage you to embrace the spirit of exploration, immerse yourself in the wonders of these trails, and create enduring memories amidst the lush landscapes of Singapore. Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor to the city, the best hiking trails in Singapore await your discovery, promising an unforgettable journey into the heart of nature’s bounty.

Unveiling the Selection Process for Singapore’s Finest Hiking Trails

To uncover the best hiking trails in Singapore, we embarked on an exhilarating journey that involved meticulous planning and thorough exploration. Our selection process was a blend of adventure, research, and firsthand experience, ensuring that we unearthed the most captivating trails for hikers of all levels. Here’s how we meticulously handpicked these top 5 trails:

  1. In-depth Research: We delved into an extensive array of hiking trails across Singapore, studying their unique features, difficulty levels, and scenic attractions. Our team scoured through local resources, guidebooks, and online forums to identify the most popular and highly regarded trails.

  2. Field Exploration: Armed with our passion for hiking and a thirst for adventure, we set out to personally experience each trail. We trekked through dense forests, ascended challenging terrains, and reveled in the tranquility of each trail to gain firsthand insights into their allure.

  3. Evaluation of Trail Attributes: We meticulously evaluated each trail based on various factors such as scenic beauty, level of difficulty, accessibility, safety measures, and overall hiking experience. This comprehensive assessment ensured that only the most exceptional trails made it to our coveted list.

  4. Community Feedback: We engaged with the hiking community, seeking their valuable feedback and insights on the trails they’ve explored. This communal exchange of experiences and recommendations provided us with a well-rounded perspective on the trails’ popularity and appeal.

Our rigorous selection process was driven by a passion for uncovering the most remarkable hiking experiences in Singapore, ensuring that our readers can embark on unforgettable adventures amidst the city’s natural splendor.